Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer; and well I do some other things too.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Older School Projects

These were all from Advanced Camera, Photo Design, or Portrait 1 & 2.

 Sun as main project; Portrait 2 class
 Student choice, Lumopro kit with umbrella, Portrait 2. Piqua, Ohio.
 Female 3/4, Portrait 1- in studio
 Photo Design class, sun as main, a little design in it.
 Flash as fill, Portrait 2 class
 Student choice, Portrait 1
 ** Best of Show awarded to this photo ** Student Choice, Portrait 1
 Window Lighting. Portrait 2
 5 lights: Main, Form fill, Background, Kicker, Hairlight, Portrait 1,
 Student choice, Portrait 1, LOVE the crop. She's a great "Hollywood" model :)
 Subtractive Lighting, Portrait 2
 Layout, Advanced Camera; shot with a large format view camera. Leaf Aptus II
 Environmental, Portrait 2, rainy day :(
 3/4 male, Portrait 1
Subtractive Lighting, Portrait 2
 Copy an Ad (originally was Jack Daniels, but we didn't have any) Advanced Camera, Cheap soft box on the left.

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